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Writer's pictureSara & Molly

Style, Life and #MightyMiles Update


Hey there, if you are following our instagram @heelsandhappiness, you may have seen that I (Sara) have taken a leave from my profession (teaching) to care for the boys, more specifically Miles. Our two boys are around 16 months apart and they are very differently abled. Parker reached all of his milestones on time and is considered a "typical child." Miles is catching up on his milestones and is considered to be "atypical" due to the symptom of hypotonia (more on this in the post about Miles link in bio). Both children will do all the things and we will ensure this by exposing them to the professionals that can assist us in making this happen and providing our support, love and belief in them! They are loved, cared for, and they are both the CENTER of our world. #hypotoniawontstopme #differentlyabled #momstyleofboys

On that note, Parker is attending "school" during the week for half the day and he LOVES it. I mean, he doesn't want to get picked up. (insert sad mom face) We all hope they are well adjusted to walk away from us and go to school happy and whole, but when they actually do it, well, it's just hard. Miles, on the other hand, attends therapy four days a week. He has 2/3 sessions ranging from PT, OT, and Speech. As you may have already read, Isabel (our PT) saved us and Miles. She believed in his abilities and created a plan using all the resources and appropriate staff to get him where he needs to be. We are living it and there isn't enough I could say or do to thank her, so for now I try my best to share his story and her work to help others, too. His OT and Speech therapists are those that have become such important individuals on that team. This staff is the BEST around-kind, talented and determined to succeed. Some of you from the area have inquired about them and I am happy to direct you to them-just don't take our time-jk! So, back to this....Miles and I race around most days of the week to get to all of his therapies at St. Joesph Hospital in Tampa, Florida. We also plan fun outings on days and play dates to make the schedule less "work/therapy" oriented. Recently, Miles started walking unassisted before his 2nd birthday, which even writing this brings me to tears and reassures me that God meant for me to be home with him during this critical year. So, Mamas/Daddies or whomever you are juggling the thought, do what your heart tells you to do. It's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it.

Here we are, struggling to get into a routine, but flourishing within the chaos and doing some shopping, decorating and laughing along the way. Again...isn't the very name of this space; running on heels and happiness! We are LIVIN' it with some tears and therapy along the way.



Parker's look is @target

Sara's Denim is @target

I shop for the boys at:

Target, H&M, Boutiques (Butterbug in Tampa), and Amazon (DM if you see anything you'd like a link to)

@heelsandhappiness (a little bit of style and A LOT of laughter!)

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